Metabolic Solutions

The metabolic state holds the key to disease prevention and treatment, and also, wellness and performance.

Almost all Americans have metabolic imbalances that are mostly undetected. Weight gain, loss of energy, fatigue, and illness are typical symptoms of metabolic imbalance. Metabolic abnormalities can also be silent killers causing chronic disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer-- the three big killers. The cost is trillions of dollars each year.

What we do

We seek to use social networks for working together for medical discovery.

New Discoveries

DHI is seeking new ways to better educate people about the epidemic of diabetes, metabolic disorders, nutrition, exercise, stress management, obesity and chronic diseases. Our research has also carefully and deeply studied neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson’s disease, sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis, Alzheimer’s Disease, and dementia.

One in Every Seven Dollars

According to the Health Care Financing Administration and other sources, Health
Care costs are 1 in every 7 dollars spent and comprise of over $2 trillion per year
in the United States. Prediabetes and Diabetes have the highest price tag.
Prediabetes Fact: 97 million Americans are insulin resistant, and millions more
have metabolic impairment or prediabetes; yet most are unaware.

Before It's Too Late

Diabetes and Prediabetes are more than just a sugar problem; they are metabolic
disorders of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that affect every cell in the body. Why are we so concerned about diabetes and prediabetes? One reason is really
high incidence of cancer associated with diabetes, prediabetes and metabolic
syndrome. The other is all the damage that is done to all the organs of the body.

Cancer Link

It has to do with metabolic pathways. Metabolic problems like diabetes, obesity, and prediabetes cause insulin resistance. This allows for an increase in body fats, especially bad fats. This increases the incidence of obesity and even more insulin resistance. This is aggravated by a high glucose diet, high fat diet, stress and the lack of exercise.

 Read on to discover the cancer link and the metabolic imbalances causing cancer and other problems. The key is prevention and quality of life. 

Open spaces

Insulin resistance causes a cascade of problems:
• Inflammation to cells
• Damage to mitochondria the power station of cell and body energy
• Food cannot be utilized properly (Metabolic Impairment Syndrome)
• Carbohydrate starvation
• Sugar cannot get inside cells to be used for energy

Read on to discover more about insulin resistance.



Prediabetes now affects the majority of Americans. Most do not know it. Diabetes could be renamed to “Metabolic Impairment.” Many people around the world now have diabetes and prediabetes but do not know it. If one-third of Americans are known to have insulin resistance according to a new book by a leading endocrinologist (Dr. Isaac Jacobs MD), then imagine how many are NOT properly processing the 3 major food groups of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

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